ERPNext Install Ubuntu 20.04 – Manual Installation till Production Step by Step
In this guide, I have explained step by step from the Hardware to the ERPNext.
ERPNext Github
ERPNext and all frappe applications are available in the Github repository, you can clone or dowload from Github > Frappe> ERPNext
ERPNext Install Options
Though you can deploy ERPNext VM using OVA file where you don’t need to do any setup, simply, a ready-to-use appliance can be used. So you have 4 options to install ERPNext
ERPNext Docker Installation
ERPNext Manual Installation
In this article, we will learn how to do ERPNext Installation Manually on Ubuntu 20.04
ERPNext Manual Installation on Ubuntu 20.04 Step by Step
Now let us do manual Installation. This guide covers each and everything. Refer to the image and then you will understand the procedure;
ERPNext System Requirements
Hardware or VM, VPS on the cloud, the choice is yours, I deployed this on physical hardware, VM on Proxmox, VM on VMWare, and on Cloud as well. So the process is the same in all the cases the specifications for hardware that I have chosen is below;
Number of Concurrent Users | 100 |
Processor | 2 vCPUs |
RAM | 8GB |
Storage | 100GB |
Ubuntu Server Installation
Now you can install the ubuntu server, enable the terminal, complete the networking and make the server ready to be deployed. You can read the guide to do Ubuntu Server Installation Step by Step
The user that I have chosen it amjid for the installation and I will be using the same user for ERPNext Installation as well.
To Join Full Course click : ERPNext Installation Step by Step
Update and Upgrade Ubuntu Server
It is always a good idea to upgrade the Ubuntu package if anything is available, run the below command to upgrade and update
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade -y
It is always recommended to reboot the server once the upgrade is done.
sudo reboot
Install Pre-Requisites
You will need to install all the prerequisites that include tools and applications like git, python, node js, Redis, MariaDB, yarn wkhtmltopdf, cron, and Nginx. let us install all of them by using the below commands;
Install GIT, this will be used to clone the repository from GitHub
apt install git
python-dev contains the header files so we need to install this package on ubuntu server
apt install python-dev
Let us now install a tool for installing and managing Python3 Packages, the current version of python is 3, so we will be specific while installing this package, use the below command.
apt install python3-pip
Resid can be used to process and analyze data in memory, this is prerequisite for ERPNext.
apt install redis-server
Now install the below package to manage the repository, usually, Ubuntu 20.04 has already installed it, but for the safe side, we will run this command.
apt-get install software-properties-common
Now let us install another tool which is a pre-requisite for ERPNext, these tools include X virtual frame buffer, custom font, and a tool that is used to render HTML to PDF.
apt-get install xvfb libfontconfig wkhtmltopdf
Now let us take a break and reboot the server
sudo reboot
Database Installation & Configuration
You can now install the database, I will be using the same server for the database and application, which is recommended. Let us see how to install, secure and configure the database service on Ubuntu Server for ERPNext.
Install MariaDB Server and Client
Now we will first install the MariaDB server and Mardia DB client. Though you can use MySQL but we will be using MariaDB for reliability and better performance.
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server-10.3
sudo apt-get install mariadb-client-10.3
Now the client and server are installed, let us now secure the installation, make sure to chagne the root password and follow the steps, depending upon how you want to secure it.
sudo mysql_secure_installation
MySQL Development files can be installed using the below command
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
MariaDB Configuration File
You need to ensure to change the default character set of MySQL or MariaDB to Unicode instead of general. To do this you will need to edit the maria DB configuration file which is in this version located at /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d directory so you can directly edit this or locate the folder and then edit the file by typing the below command
sudo nano /etc/mysql/maridb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
Once the file opens you need to locate the line where collation-server says general and you need to modify it to Unicode as below;
collation-server = utf8mb4_general_ci
Modify above as below;
collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci
You can also locate my.cnf and edit the below configuration.
sudo nano nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
Make sure your configuration has the below lines in the file
character-set-client-handshake = FALSE
character-set-server = utf8mb4
collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci
default-character-set = utf8mb4
MySQL Native Password Setup
Now you must ensure that the native password is configured, which will help the frappe framework automatically create the database when you create the site. For this, you will need to login to MySQL as root and then update the root user or the user that you want to use. I will be using root for my installation so use the below commands
mysql -u root -p
Now enter the password set a native password by using the below commands.
mysql> USE mysql;
mysql> UPDATE user SET plugin='mysql_native_password' WHERE User='root';
mysql> exit
Now MySQL or MariaDB setup is now ready, let us now restart eh service. You can alternatively reboot as well.
sudo service mysql restart
Install Node Using NVM
Node installation is recommended using NVM (Node Version Manager) therefore let us first install NVM. To install NVM use the below command.
curl -o- | bash
Now at this step close the termination and open it again. Or open a new terminal to continue with the next step. Ensure you do it. Once you have done run the below command to install the node
nvm install 14
Now it has been installed you can now check the version by typing the below command
node -v
Install Yarn using NPM
Now we will install Yarn which is a software packaging system developed by Facebook for Node.js, this is open source, so we will install it using npm
npm install -g yarn
Now our server is ready for the installation of the frappe environment, let us now dive into the frappe environment installation.
Bench Installation
The bench is a Command-line tool to manage Frappe Deployments, this tool has various commands, the frappe uses the bench for the command-line tool as well as for the bench directory, so don’t confuse yourself. We will first install the bench package which will be used to set up a frappe environment, create a site, do backup, change the setup, and so on. In short, Bench provides a user-friendly interface to set up and manage multiple frappe-based applications and sites where erpnext is one of the applications.
Now let us install the bench;
pip3 install frappe-bench
It will install a bench and will give you a message that the bench is installed successfully, now you can use various bench commands. Starting with the command “bench”
Install Frappe-Bench Environment using bench CLI
Let us now create the frappe-bench environment. Here you have to decide the purpose for which you are installing ERPNext, it is just for test or training then you can use the latest version, which will be developing and may not be stable. However you can also use a stable version by choosing a specific version, You can search and learn which is the stable version today.
To deploy the latest frappe-bench environment make sure to run the command while you are in your home directory or your user and use the below command.
bench init frappe-bench
To choose a specif version you can use the branch version. I will be using branch version 13 in this installation. You can look for the latest stable release of the frappe environment.
bench init frappe-bench --verbose --frappe-branch version-13
Now frappe bench environment is installed using bench CLI. It has in fact created a directory in the home as shown below;
You can also see the directory in WINSCP this directory contains various files to run frappe environment
Now you can use various bench commands by changing the directory. So you can need to change the directory
cd frappe-bench
Once you type bench you will see the various commands that bench cli has. Don’t worry, we will not be using all the commands, we just need to install EPRNext but have a quick look at these commands.
To start bench you can type the command
bench start
just wait for it, it will start the bench and you will see that it will give you information saying that the server is now running at port 8000. Now you can open the server in the browser with port 8000.
You will give nothing on-page, it will say page not found.
Because we have installed the environment, we have not yet created any site in the environment.
Frappe Environment has Applications and Sites. When you install frappe-bench one application (default) frappe will be available for you to install on any site.
If you just want to install the application with no modules you can do that, but we have to install ERPNext. Below will help you to;
get the ERPNext app
create a new-site for your ERP Installation
Install the ERPNext app on site created.
ERPNext Installation on Frappe Environment
make sure that your working directory is frappe-bench it should look like this
Now you need to get the app from the frappe repository, have two options, either clone the latest development package, which is not stable currently, or install the stable package. I have given both options for you to choose from.
To install the current package which is not stable you can use the below command
bench get-app erpnext
I will be installing ERPNext Version 13, for that, I will be using the below command
bench get-app --branch version-13 erpnext
From any of the options, it will clone the next application into the app’s directory of the frappe-bench directory. You don’t need to do anything with the directories. Just ensure that erpnext is available in the directory.
Now you have the application installed in your environment. The next step is to install the application on-site, but before that, we need to create a new site.
To create a site we will use the bench command as below;
bench new-site
make sure to change the site name to your required site name.
Now site is deployed, by default frappe application will be installed at site. Don’t open the site yet, because we need to install ERPnext to the site.
Run the below command to install ERPNext to the site that you have recently created
bench --site install-app erpnext
it will take a few moments to install the erpnext application on your site.
Now as we created a new site, we need to make sure this is our default site, so we have to tell bench to use this site as default by using the below command;
bench use
Now ERPNext is installed in your server and you are ready to configure it. But beofre configuring there are few more steps in case you want o use this for production.
ERPNext Setup for Production
We will use a manual bench set up for production by using the below command.
sudo bench setup production amjid
Setup Bench Supervisor
sudo apt -y install supervisor
bench setup supervisor
sudo ln -s `pwd`/config/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/frappe-bench.conf
in case the supervisor is not installed you can use the below command
Setup Bench NginX
bench setup nginx
sudo ln -s `pwd`/config/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/frappe-bench.conf
Now you will get a message saying that is on port 80
You can simply open the browser and open the URL of the installation it will work fine.
ERPNext SSL Installation NginX
Now your site is ready, you must configure the SSL certificate, I have explained that in simple steps.
First, we will install spanny package as below
sudo apt install snapd
Now run the below commands
sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
install remove certbot
sudo apt-get remove certbot
Install classic cert bot
sudo snap install --classic certbot
Map the directory for cert path
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
Now run the below command to install the certificate to your site. Make sure you have the public address of the site and that port 80 is open. If this address is local make sure the site address is pointing to the correct IP address.
sudo certbot -–nginx
Just follow the instructions, and it will install the certificate. Your site will be redirected to port 443.
The configuration is available in the config directory and the file name is nginx.conf which will have the ssl details at the end of the file.
Finally, ensure that the certificate gets renewed before expiry, you can run the below command to renew it.
sudo certbot renew --dry-run
Add this command to the cronjob to ensure the certificate gets renewed automatically, schedule it every week.
ERPNext Backup
ERPNext in Production Automatically takes the 3 backups by default. And cronjob runs the backup Jobs Automatically. You can access the backup settings by clicking System Settings > Backup.
To configure the backup you can use crontab.
ERPNext mobile app
ERPNext is a responsive website which means you can access it on mobile without the need of any app
ERPNExt Pricing
ERPNext is an open-source software, if you want to install, configure and implement it by yourself then you can use it always free however prices can be below;